Monday, April 6, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 8 (Term 2 Week 3)

Save the planet? This is a job for... school kids

(Part B – Home Section – Page B3)

Q1) What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?

For science and social studies classes, some schools are asking their students to bring the electricity bills from home to track their month-to-month energy use and are teaching them to save energy. Bill tracking is also part of a competition called Carbon Zero, organized by the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) to get students to reduce their home energy use. Schools, however, are themselves stepping up emphasis on issues like energy conservation and climate change. Pupils of Elias Park Primary contribute fruit peels to the school’s three compost bins. They then get to throw fruit waste into the worm compost bins, which convert food waste into fertilizers. The school’s students learn about recyclable materials as part of a science lesson. Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetland which treats grey water from bathroom sinks. Students test how clean the treated water is and study the wetland’s plants and animals. The lower secondary students of Marsiling Secondary School will carry out the experiments like testing the air quality in their school. At Nanyang Girls’ High School, students decided that cardboard takeaway boxes in the canteen should be banned. Students and teachers bring their own boxes to pack their food instead.

Q2) Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

No.We must contribute together.If we never do our part as a Singapore citizen, this means that we are disrespectful to our country.Even if one person willing to save the environment,this is not enough.We must make contribution as a whole nation.Most importantly,we must be considerate when the main focus is on "Saving the Environment".There are steps that we can make efforts together to save the environment.Firstly,we must keep our hygience clean.For Example,wash our hands before eating any food.Secondly,if you see anyone throw any litter,you must voluntarily throw to its particular place.Not just all the citizens must,even you also must not litter the place because it can affect the cleanliness of the surroundings.All the litters that people thrown onto the floor can attract more pests such as ants,cockroaches and etc.Lastly,we must not spit saliva anywhere on the floor.Spitting anything form your mouth is not a good way that we should do.If we really want to spit, it is better to spit in the rubbish bin.

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